Wednesday, June 12, 2013

part 3 reflections

As I look back on some of our class discussions, I get a better grasp on it as I read through this weeks assigned chapters.

When we had the class debate regarding the Paleolithic and if we are inevitable to subjugation, a part in the book actually referenced the persistence of that lifestyle. With changes over time and advances areas are still hostes to gathering and hunting societies, falling into the category. Evolution, slow at that, was still present in the fifteenth century of this lifestyle. So back to that agrument made in class, some areas will subjugate and some will remain set in their Paleolithic ways. But it entire is not inevitable. This ancient way of life still had presences and continued well into the eighteenth century in Europe. This was one area in our reading where I really reflected and felt a sense of "ah-ha" when I read it. I was on the side that argued it was not inevitable and seems like we had some strong points, but now even more evidential in more recent centuries and not just in Paleolithic era. It was a way of life that had carried and really been valued.

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